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Adding Numbers Using Linked Lists: Java & Python Solutions


Welcome to Art of Coding’s blog. Today, we’ll discuss  a challenge that stands out as one of the most frequently requested in programming interviews, as listed on LeetCode: Add Two Numbers.

In this article, we’ll detail the problem of adding numbers using Linked Lists, followed by solutions implemented in Java and Python. Additionally, we’ll conduct a thorough analysis of the time and space complexity of the algorithm.

Problem Explanation

In this challenge, we tackle the task of adding two numbers represented by two separate linked lists. Each node in these lists holds a single digit, arranged in reverse order. This unique setup mirrors the manual addition process, starting from the least significant digits (the units) and advancing towards the most significant, while managing any carry-over along the way.

Let’s take a practical example:

Imagine we’re working with two numbers: 759 and 246. Within the linked lists, the number 759 is represented as 9 -> 5 -> 7, while 246 is denoted as 6 -> 4 -> 2. Adding these numbers together yields 1005, which translates to a linked list formation of 5 -> 0 -> 0 -> 1 in the reversed order.

Diagram of adding 759 and 246 in reverse order using linked lists, resulting in 1005.
Visualizing addition with linked lists.

This example clearly shows the process of dealing with each digit independently and the progression of the carry-over during the sum.

The challenge is a robust test of skills in handling linked lists and grasping the essentials of numerical operations.

Java and Python Implementation

Let’s now explore a solution in both Java and Python for the problem of adding two numbers represented by linked lists (Add Two Numbers). This code accounts for the reversal of digits and the propagation of the carry-over, creating a new linked list that represents the sum of the numbers.

class SumNumbers {
    public static NodeList addTwoNumbers(NodeList list1, NodeList list2) {
        NodeList head = new NodeList(0);
        NodeList currentNode = head;
        int carryOver = 0;

        while (list1 != null || list2 != null || carryOver > 0) {
            int n1 = list1 == null ? 0 : list1.value;
            int n2 = list2 == null ? 0 : list2.value;
            int sum = n1 + n2 + carryOver;
            carryOver = sum / 10;

   = new NodeList(sum % 10);
            currentNode =;
            list1 = list1 != null ? : null;
            list2 = list2 != null ? : null;


class NodeList {
    int value;
    NodeList next;

    NodeList(int value) {
        this.value = value;
class Node:
    def __init__(self, value=0, next=None):
        self.value = value = next

def add_two_numbers(list1, list2):
    head = Node(0)
    current = head
    carry_over = 0

    while list1 or list2 or carry_over:
        n1 = list1.value if list1 else 0
        n2 = list2.value if list2 else 0
        total = n1 + n2 + carry_over
        carry_over = total // 10 = Node(total % 10)
        current =
        list1 = if list1 else None
        list2 = if list2 else None


node1 = Node(9) = Node(5) = Node(7)

node2 = Node(6) = Node(4) = Node(2)

# Adding the two numbers
result = add_two_numbers(node1, node2)

# Printing the result
while result:
    print(result.value, end=" -> ")
    result =

Code Explanation

  • The addTwoNumbers method initially creates a dummy node (head) pointing to the first element of the list, which simplifies manipulation and eliminates the need for special checks on the first node.

Code Explanation

  • The addTwoNumbers method initially creates a (head) pointing to the first element of the list, which simplifies manipulation and eliminates the need for special checks on the first node.
  • Within the while loop, we check whether there are any nodes left to process in either list or if there’s a remaining carry-over.
  • We calculate the sum of the current values (n1 and n2) from each list, along with any previous carry-over.
  • he carry-over for the next iteration is determined by dividing the current sum by 10 (carryOver = sum / 10).
  • A new node with the least significant digit of the sum (sum % 10) is created and appended to the resulting list.
  • We progress through the input lists by moving list1 and list2 to their respective next nodes.
  • After the loop concludes, if there’s still a carry-over, we add a new node to the end of the resulting list.
  • The sum’s result is the linked list starting from the node following the temporary dummy head, as this was merely an initial marker to avoid special checks.”
Handling Lists of Different Lengths

The implementation efficiently manages lists of varying lengths. If one list is longer than the other, the algorithm continues to process the remaining nodes, ensuring that each digit is accounted for and that no carry-over is lost.

For instance: the first list represents the number 513 (stored as 3 -> 1 -> 5), and the second list represents the number 29 (stored as 9 -> 2). The longer list has an additional digit to be processed after the shorter list has been fully traversed.

Complexity Analysis

Time Complexity Analysis

In our code, the main loop runs once for each element in both linked lists. Thus, if ‘N’ represents the number of elements in the longer list, our algorithm has a time complexity of O(n). This means that the time required to complete the addition is proportional to the size of the longer list.

Space Complexity Analysis

The memory usage in our algorithm is primarily due to the new linked list that represents the resultant sum. Therefore, the space complexity is also O(n), as in the worst-case scenario, a carry-over could result in an additional node. Hence, for lists of size ‘n’, we need space for ‘n + 1’ nodes.

In summary, our algorithm exhibits linear complexity in both time and space dimensions.


In conclusion, we’ve navigated the nuances of adding numbers via linked lists—a task that tests both our logic and our understanding of fundamental data structures. The Java and Python implementations we’ve discussed serve as a solid foundation for tackling similar problems and refining coding proficiency.

Are you ready to dive even deeper? If you found this guide helpful, be sure to check out our previous article on ‘Detecting Cycles in Linked Lists.‘ It’s a perfect next step to expand your knowledge

Engage with us, share your thoughts, and stay tuned for more insights!

1 thought on “Adding Numbers Using Linked Lists: Java & Python Solutions”

  1. Pingback: Preparação para Entrevistas: #13 - Somando números em Listas Encadeadas - A Arte de Programar

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